What our clients say about us

“I have been afraid of the dentist, after a bad experience at my last dentist I stopped going for 2 years as I was so nervous. Thrapston dentist which is the best decision I have ever made. They listened to my fears and was so considerate, and gentle. I would recommend them very highly to anyone!”


Our team is highly experienced in the creation and fitting of orthodontics. We currently offer fixed, invisible and removable orthodontics which will help move your teeth into the correct position.

Contact us today to book your FREE Invisalign® Smile Assessment which includes an amazing smile outcome visualisation.

Available Orthodontic Treatments

Orthodontic treatments can be broken down into three categories:

Fixed Orthodontics

The traditional form of braces, a fixed brace consists of brackets and bands which are temporarily cemented or bonded to your teeth. Thin, flexible metal wires then gently push the teeth into the correct positions. This firm control implemented by the brace is imperative to guide teeth more accurately. The brace is a fixed appliance and therefore cannot be removed by the wearer.

Removable Orthodontics

Townley House Dental Practice offers both fixed or removable braces. If your child still has baby teeth or is still growing, then a removable brace may be the most suitable option for them. Functional removable braces normalise your child’s bite by changing jaw growth.

Invisible Orthodontics

Thanks to our use of Invisalign® aligners, no one will know these invisible orthodontics are there. Under your dentist’s instructions, Invisalign® uses the latest advances in 3-D computer technology to create a series of custom-made removable mouth trays or aligners. Applying a controlled amount of force to your teeth, these aligners cause your teeth to move gradually into the desired position.

Invisalign Removable Orthodontics – The Clear Alternative to Braces

Invisalign orthodontics allow you to straighten your teeth in as little as 6 months, with nearly invisible clear braces. Here at Townley House Dental Practice, we are proud to offer one of the most popular and subtle clear brace treatments in the world.

How do I know if Invisalign is right for me?

Here at Thrapston Dental Centre, we want you to feel confident about your treatment. That’s why we offer a complimentary Invisalign Consultation to every potential client. Our consultations will allow you to explore the options available to you and will show you the difference that an Invisalign treatment can make. Call us or get in touch and book your free consultation today with Dr Nicola Marr.

How Does Invisalign Work?

Invisalign braces work through a unique orthodontic system that uses almost invisible teeth aligners to gently straighten your teeth. The Invisalign brace is custom-made to move your teeth little by little, subtly transforming your smile in as little as 6 months. Invisalign braces allow you to remain discreet about your treatment, as well as allow for more freedom in your day to day life than regular braces. The custom made Invisalign aligners are removable, allowing you to easily take them out when required. Invisalign braces are also highly recommended for those who participate in contact sports. Invisalign clear aligners can be removed before you play, allowing you to use a mouth guard to protect your teeth from damage during the game.

How Fast Does Invisalign Work?

By changing your Invisalign aligners every week, with consistent wear you can achieve the smile you want in as little as 6 months. That’s six times faster than regular braces, which are usually worn for around 18 months. More advanced cases may take longer than 6 months, however Invisalign treatment will always be the more efficient alternative to regular braces.

Can I See The End Result?

Here at Townley House Dental Practice, we know that before you commit to a long term orthodontic treatment, it’s reassuring and exciting to have an idea of what the end result will be. We use Invisalign Clincheck to create a 3D simulation of your teeth and show you exactly how your teeth will move and realign throughout the course of your Invisalign treatment. Clincheck also provides a before and after treatment indicator so that you know exactly what to expect, allowing you to make an informed and comfortable decision about your orthodontic treatment. Our highly trained staff will also walk you through every step of your journey to your future smile.

How Do I Know if Invisalign is Right for Me?

We offer a complimentary Invisalign Consultation to every potential client, so you can feel confident about your treatment. Our consultations will allow you to explore and compare the options available to you, as well as show you the difference that an Invisalign treatment can make.

Can I Spread Out the Cost of Treatment?

Yes. We believe in making our treatments accessible to everyone, which is why we offer a range of treatment specific Interest Free payment plans to suit every patient. By spreading out the cost, you can have the smile you’ve always wanted, without any of the stress. Refer to our Fees & Financing page for more information.

Contact us today to book your FREE Invisalign® Smile Assessment which includes an amazing smile outcome visualisation, please contact our friendly team on 01832 272 515